Tuesday, March 27, 2012

The Vow (2012) Movie Review

I finally went to the movies yesterday. After months of complaining on how I need to go and watch a movie, I did. I watched The Vow, alone, because Jojo didn't feel like watching a movie. It's a romantic movie anyway, and I didn't feel like making him accompany me.

I've always loved watching movies alone. I used to do that when I was in KL. I'd meet a client at Suria KLCC on a weekday, and I'd watch a movie right after. It has always been fun and therapeutic, sitting by myself in the cinema with my popcorn and drink, enjoying the movie without worrying of having to talk to anyone. Loved every moment of it!

Ooh, spoiler alert from this point onward! So I watched The Vow at MBO, at The Spring Mall. I loved it! The movie was not at all cheesy, and surprisingly, Channing Tatum's acting was quite good. He didn't talk in that rapper tone like he did in Step Up 1 and 2, which was a relief. I love Rachel McAdams, but in this movie, I don't know. Perhaps the chemistry between her and Tatum is not enough for me.

Rachel McAdams as Paige and Channing Tatum as Leo in The Vow (2012)

I did shed a tear or two. I found myself trying to fight back tears during some of the scenes, but I couldn't stop it. Some scenes were very touching, and although the lines weren't very memorable for me, I think that's a good thing. I didn't find myself cringing at any of the scenes. In fact, I laughed along at some funny scenes, along with the audience.

The Vow is not one of those romantic movies that I'd watch again very, very soon, but I won't mind watching it if it's shown on tv. It made me cry and chuckle, so it's all good. It made me feel that ache in my heart, like I want my very own Leo (Channing Tatum's character) too. He's not overly charming or romantic, but he's thoughtful. I like that.

I had so much fun yesterday, I think another movie is in order. Maybe tomorrow? We'll see. Happy Tuesday!

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