Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Movie Review - The Social Network (2010)

I just came back from watching The Social Network preview. My blogger buddy, Shemah from Reel Madhouse invited me to be her plus one, and it was the first Malaysian preview for the movie.

I've just deleted some so-called friends off my Facebook friends list a few days ago. How ironic is it that I was going to watch The Social Network?

I don't normally write movie reviews, therefore, pardon me for sounding amateurish. I quite like the movie. I've always liked Jesse Eisenberg and I don't mind Justin Timberlake, but I'd like to see Andrew Garfield in more movies. I personally think that Jesse Eisenberg did an awesome job as Mark Zuckerman, and I cannot picture any other actor as Zuckerman.

I love how the characters are witty and funny without sounding dumb. The script is excellently written and the storyline is very entertaining. I'm giving The Social Network 4 out of 5 stars. Go watch!

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